Thursday, January 1, 2009

At this point...

Looking forward to getting out of Gainesville again. Don't get me wrong, hanging with family and friends for the holidays has been great. But there's nothing like being around people you wish you were around more often to make you think your life needs a change. Of course it needs a change, just can't happen right now. Looking forward to being near NYC. Looking forward to receiving paychecks again. Looking forward to being able to go snowboarding again, even though the hills in New York are NOTHING compared to the towering spires of Colorado.

Not looking forward to starting over - again - in an entirely new place. But hey, you gotta put in your time. Especially if its a road to your goals. Not looking forward to living in a one bedroom flat with a coworker. Sleeping on a couch for the next four months isn't really something I had a hankering to do. There's that pessimism again. Can't help it.

I'll basically be in New York City. With good people. Making money. Boo-yah.

Trying to convince myself? Maybe.

On the beat box: Cartel - Say Anything (Else)